Satvik Sharma

I am a Master's student at Berkeley majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I currently work in Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) and the AUTOLAB where I am advised by Prof. Ken Goldberg. I also did my bachelors degree at Berkeley in CS. I have also collaborated with Pieter Abbeel, Angjoo Kanazawa, Jitendra Malik, Anca Dragan, and researchers from Google DeepMind.

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My research vision is enabling robots to perform useful long-horizon tasks without significant task-specific online robot data. I am excited about leveraging methods from vision, language, and theory to make robot learning efficient. My research has focused on developing sample-efficient methods for robotic perception and robustness to uncertainty, both important for learning long-horizon tasks such as deformable manipulation, object search, and grasping. Currently, I'm interested in developing algorithms for imitation learning, multi-modal robot learning, and robot perception specfically for useful, long-horizon tasks.

Vision-Language Fields for Robotics
Open-World Semantic Mechanical Search with Large Vision and Language Models
Satvik Sharma, Kaushik Shivakumar, Huang Huang, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Ryan Hoque, Brian Ichter, Ken Goldberg
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023
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Modular framework explicitly separating VLMs and LLMs for occluded object search, which outperforms CLIP-based methods.

Language Embedded Radiance Fields for Zero-Shot Task-Oriented Grasping
Adam Rashid*, Satvik Sharma*, Chung Min Kim, Justin Kerr, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Angjoo Kanazawa, Ken Goldberg (* Denotes Equal Contribution, Alphabetically Ordered)
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023 - Best Paper Finalist
Website / PDF / Bibtex

LERF-TOGO uses CLIP and DINO features for language-specified tasks performing zero-shot semantic grasping.

Robust and Efficient Policy Learning and Planning
Policy Gradient Bayesian Robust Optimization for Imitation Learning
Zaynah Javed*, Daniel Brown*, Satvik Sharma, Jerry Zhu, Ashwin Balakrishna, Marek Petrik, Anca D. Dragan, Ken Goldberg
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021
Website / PDF / Bibtex

A scalable and robust RL algorithm which optimizes for a combination of expected performance and tail risk under a distribution over learned reward functions.

Fleet-DAgger: Interactive Robot Fleet Learning with Scalable Human Supervision
Ryan Hoque, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Satvik Sharma, Karthik Dharmarajan, Brijen Thananjeyan, Pieter Abbeel, Ken Goldberg
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022 - Oral Presentation
Website / PDF / Bibtex

We introduce new formalism, algorithms, and open-source benchmarks for "Interactive Fleet Learning": interactive learning with multiple robots and multiple humans. .

Learning Switching Criteria for Sim2Real Transfer of Robotic Fabric Manipulation Policies
Satvik Sharma*, Ellen Novoseller*, Vainavi Viswanath, Zaynah Javed, Rishi Parikh, Ryan Hoque, Ashwin Balakrishna, Daniel S. Brown, Ken Goldberg (* Denotes Equal Contribution)
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022
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We study strategies to automatically determine when policies trained in simulation can be reliably transferred to a physical robot, specifically for a fabric smoothing task.

Learning to Efficiently Plan Robust Frictional Multi-Object Grasps
Wisdom C. Agboh*, Satvik Sharma*, Kishore Srinivas, Mallika Parulekar, Gaurav Datta, Tianshuang Qiu, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Eugen Solowjow, Mehmet Dogar, Ken Goldberg (* Denotes Equal Contribution)
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023
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Planning multi-object grasps under frictional constraints using a grasp success predictor network trained in real. We increase picks per hour over baselines and are robust to grasp and state uncertainity.

DEFT: Diverse Ensembles for Fast Transfer in Reinforcement Learning
Simeon Adebola*, Satvik Sharma*, Kaushik Shivakumar* (* Equal Contribution, Alphabetically Ordered)
arxiv, 2022
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We study how we can use pretrained ensembles - encouraged via a KL-divergence in their loss function to be as diverse as possible - to then generalize to new tasks using RL.

Machine Learning for Automated Agriculture
Can Machines Garden? Systematically Comparing the AlphaGarden vs. Professional Horticulturalists
Simeon Adebola, Rishi Parikh, Mark Presten, Satvik Sharma, Shrey Aeron, Ananth Rao, Sandeep Mukherjee, Tomson Qu, Christina Wistrom, Eugen Solowjow, Ken Goldberg
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023 - Outstanding Automation Paper Finalist
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Comparing the AlphaGarden system (simulator and Farmbot actuation) against professional horticulturalists in terms of plant diversity and canopy coverage.

Automated Pruning of Polyculture Plants
Mark Presten, Rishi Parikh, Shrey Aeron, Sandeep Mukherjee, Simeon Adebola, Satvik Sharma, Mark Theis, Walter Teitelbaum, Ken Goldberg
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022 - Best Paper Award
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Fully autonomous system for pruning polyculture plants with specialized vision algorithms for identifying plants and tracking their centers.

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